Helen Hunt Filmography Part 3: Girls Having Fun!
Possibly the most 80s a movie could be.
Girls Just Want To Have Fun from 1985 is the story of Jane (Sarah Jessica Parker) who wants to win a Dance TV competition with her randomly assigned dance partner Jeff (Lee Montgomery). With the help of her bff, Lynne Stone (Helen Hunt), she succeeds despite opposition from her parents, Catholic school, and arch-nemesis, Natalie (Holly Gagnier).
That’s it; that’s the plot.
What this movie lacks in substance it makes up for in style. And 98% of the style comes from Helen Hunt.
I am not a gifted enough writer to describe Helen Hunt’s styles, so I am going to show you. It has to be seen to be believed.
I went through and did an extensive screen grab of choice moments and looks. Just the things Helen Hunt wears on her head during the film would be unbelievable.
The movie starts with Helen Hunt in class cutting up pictures of herself and pasting them over pictures of Eddie Van Halen, which is just a taste of the absolute chaotic gem that is Lynne Stone.
You might think this movie is about dancing but is actually about the deep longing in every introvert’s heart to have a charismatic extrovert look at you the way Helen Hunt looks at Sarah Jessica Parker.
Hair Accessory #1
That is a pair of spinosauruses on her head.
I may not know fashion, but I do know my dinosaurs.
Lynne and Jane fail at babysitting because Dance TV! Also parents in the 80s for real did not care what their kids ate after school.
Catholic High School really cramps Lynne’s style.
She has to content herself with the high, side ponytail.
Also is it her fault that she mistakes “Hail Mary” with “Proud Mary”? No, it is not.
When Lynne and Jane arrive at dance tryouts, they are almost run over by their arch-nemesis, Natalie.
Yes, Natalie.
She is rich and drives a convertible and wants to win and she previously dated Jane’s partner Jeff.
Lynne will have none of that.
She fakes out that bitch with the I’m-old going-to-slap-you-Psyche!-just-checking-my-hair-in-your-side-mirror trick.
Hair Accessory #2
A GIANT grasshopper on her hat! This one is probably my favorite.
She is the coolest.
This is part of Lynne’s dance routine at the tryout.
I need to go to the chiropractor just watching this.
Unfortunately Lynne’s randomly assigned partner blows…
That is the face of woman who will not be denied her sweet revenge.
Just classic Lynne reading Super Teen during choir practice.
Jane and Jeff practicing and hating each other because they disagree about warming up.
Hair Accessory #3
Step aside Davey Crockett; Helen Hunt just gave the coonskin cap rights.
Hair Accessory #4
At first I thought it was just an excessive amount of brightly colored clips, but if you look closely they are feet shaped clips.
Also a child skateboards through the mall because why not.
The girls, who just want to have fun, get a hold of an invitation to evil Natalie’s exclusive party at the country club. They make 150 copies and pass them out to every rando they meet.
Honestly it’s like this movie said “Please, future movie watchers, stereotype this decade”.
Hair Accessory #5
A canoe with two people in it.
This is the look of joy that comes only from sweet, wholesome revenge.
Hair Accessory #6
I believe that is an actual rocket launch on the side of her head
Also there is a nun with a killer pommel horse routine.
This will come as a shock to you all, but after spending hours together dancing and being young and attractive, Jane and Jeff fall in love.
I know you didn’t think it was possible for them to overcome their differences around warm-up routines, but love is love, dammit.
Who needs a picture of the actual teenagers kissing when you have Helen Hunt making out with her hand when she hears the news?
Hair Accessory #7
A crab, I think.
Like all good bffs, Lynne rappels from the roof (?!?) to help Jane sneak out for the dance contest finale.
You probably think Helen Hunt’s hair looks like this because she is upside down.
Not so my friend.
Bride of Frankenstein hair was a choice girlfriend made.
It required, I’m guessing, 14 cans of hair spray.
Having a salon’s worth of hair spray on hand is actually useful.
In the case of a vicious dog, it doubles as a flame thrower.
“Bring that FIRE!”
Hair Accessory #8
High Heels
Despite all of Natalie’s evil machinations, Jane and Jeff win the competition.
Lynne is also inexplicably made the new Queen of Dance TV, a position she fully deserves.
Hair Accessory #9
Tiara with absolutely essential black cat embellishment.
The End.
I hope you enjoyed this.
May you find a best friend like Lynne Stone.
Remember, Girls Just Want to Have Fun.